About BPT, Certifiers, and Sharon Bowman

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About Bowperson Publishing and Training, Inc. (BPT)

Bowperson Publishing and Training, Inc. (BPT) provides books, resources, classes and training programs for corporate trainers, college instructors, school teachers, and other learning specialists who want to enhance their instructional design and delivery skills.

Since 1997, the company has assisted businesses and educational institutions at all levels in creating exceptional staff development and train-the-trainer programs. Over a half-million of the company’s books are now in print.

About the Certifiers for the Trainer Certification Course (TCC) and the TBR-VE™ Class


Nicole Fleming, Kentucky, USA
Trainer Certification Course (TCC) Certifier
TBR-VE™ Certifier
Nicole Fleming  is the co-founder of Fleming Services LLC. Two of her passions are teaching and professional development. She has helped and facilitated hundreds of training classes in a wide variety of formats and venues. Learner interest and engagement have always been major components of all the classes she facilitates. For more information about Nicole or about becoming a TBR Certified Trainer, email Nicole at [email protected].

Jean-Paul Bayley, England
Trainer Certification Course (TCC) Certifier
TBR-VE™ Certifier
Jean-Paul Bayley is a partner of Actineo Consulting LLP. Jean-Paul’s mission is to share how to create fun, engaging and memorable learning experiences. His career includes being a consultant, coach, and trainer, and he now help individuals, teams, and organisations achieve their professional goals. He has also written numerous blog posts for the TBR website. For more information about Jean-Paul or about becoming a TBR Certified Trainer, email Jean-Paul at [email protected].

 About Sharon Bowman


Sharon Bowman, the president of BPT, has been a professional speaker, author, teacher, and trainer for over fifty years. Sharon is the author of seven popular training books, including the global best-sellers: Training from the BACK of the Room and Using Brain Science to Make Training Stick.

Sharon is also the mentor of a team of global trainers who have been certified to teach the official 2-day in-person “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) Practitioner Class. Many of the TBR Certified Trainers are also certified to teach the official, 5-module, live-streaming  TBR-VE™ Class (TBR – Virtual Edition). 

If you decide to attend a TBR Practitioner or a TBR-VE™ Class, you’ll take your own teaching and training skills to a new, exciting, and more advanced level. Your classes and training programs will never be the same again!


For more information about the TBR Certified Trainers, click HERE.

For descriptions of the TBR-VE™ Class, the TBR Practitioner Class, and the Trainer Certification Course (TCC), click HERE.

For training inquiries, contact the following TBR/TCC Certifiers:
Nicole Fleming at [email protected].
Jean-Paul Bayley at [email protected].

You can also email Sharon Bowman at [email protected].

For quantity book orders of the BPT books at substantial discounts, please contact Ross Barnett, Book Distribution Manager, at [email protected].


Sharon Bowman, President and Author
Ross Barnett, Vice-President and Book Distribution Manager
Bowperson Publishing and Training, Inc.
P.O. Box 564, Glenbrook, NV 89413
Email (for inquiries or messages): [email protected]
Email (for book orders): [email protected]
Office: 775-749-5247

To contact BPT, please copy/paste an email address from above or leave a message below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.