Sneak Peak at the March 2015 Super Session
You walk into the training room and immediately realize that this exciting train-the-trainer event will be dramatically different from other training programs you have attended. What are the clues that lead you to this conclusion?
First, a variety of brightly-colored items on the table tops catch your attention: fiddle toys, pipe cleaners, colored paper and markers, cards and games.
Second, a rotating slide show invites you to connect with others in the room and to chat briefly about the topic: what you already know, what you want to learn, and your top take-aways.
Third, you hear upbeat music over the sound system Colorful, topic-related charts decorate the walls, and there is a feeling of anticipation and positive energy in the room.
Finally, because you have already done some of the “Warm-Ups” – activities that “prime” your brain for learning – you know that everything you notice is based on how your brain really learns, as opposed to traditional assumptions about learning. You realize this learning experience will be interacti, informative, interesting, memorable, and just plain fun! Plus, you’ll be able to use everything you learn, regardless of the content you present or the size of your audience.
You’ll take away what you came to get, as well as as a book, workbook, and dozens of brain-based training resources. And you’ll be able to put it all to immediate use in your own presentations, training, face-to-face and online programs. Value to you and your learners? Priceless!
Click HERE for more about this March 20th Super Session titled “Using Brain Science to Make Training Stick,” as well as the March 19th program “Got a Minute? Sixty-Second Activities that Help Learners Review, Repeat, and Remember!” Both events are sponsored by ATD Sacramento (The Association for Talent Development).
Can’t attend? Do some of the “Warm-Ups” anyway – they are great training resources. And be sure to check back on this blog for other training ideas from the Super Session. Also, there are plenty of brain-based ideas and activities you can use right away on the SHARON’S ARTICLES page.
Hope to see you in March! 🙂