Warm-Ups for the March 2015 Super Session

Brain scientists call them “priming” – getting the human brain ready to learn.  I call them “Warm-Ups” – short, quick, optional activities that will introduce you to some of the concepts from the March 20th Super Session in Sacramento, California. Here are five “Warm-Ups,” the first being the most important one to do:

1. Log onto my MICRO-COURSES page and view the two slide presentations there titled “The Six Trumps”  and “Different Trumps Same.” Each takes only about 5 minutes to view and I think you will find them quite informative.

2. Watch “Move. Don’t. Sit. Still” by Swedish trainer Jimmy Janlen on the  SLIDES FROM SLIDE SHARE page. This resource contains lots of ideas for inserting movement into a presentation or training.

brain_rules_cover_3d_white13. On VIDEOS FROM YOUTUBE, watch the short “Brain Rules (Trailer)” by John Medina, the author of one of the best brain science books of the 21st century: “Brain Rules.”

4. Interview someone who, in your opinion, is an expert in training or teaching others. Find out what he or she considers important whenever face-to-face instruction is done. Be ready to summarize the interview for your table group during the Super Session workshop.

5. If you haven’t yet watched an RSAnimate production on YouTube, you are in for a treat. Log onto VIDEOS FROM YOUTUBE and watch “Changing Education Paradigms” – a ten-minute “fast-draw ” presentation about the history of education and present day implications for all trainers, instructors, and learning facilitators.

For registration, or more information about the March 19th – 20th training workshops, click HERE. Hope to see you at the Super Session! 🙂



  • Hi Deb: You are always so kind to comment on the blog posts – thanks so much! Hope all is well in your world. I’ll be in touch via email soon. Cheers to you and yours! Sharon

  • Loved the youtube videos from ASAP Science. Thank you for sharing these!

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