Announcing the “Trainer Certification Course” to be Offered in Europe in 2019
To My Dear Readers: Many of you have sent me emails inquiring about how to become a Certified Trainer for “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) because you want to be able to present the official 2-day TBR class. I’m excited to announce that a 1-day “Trainer Certification Course” (TCC) will take place in Europe in 2019!
TBR Certified Trainer Rolf Katzenberger will be the Certifier for the European “Trainer Certification Course” to be held on September 25th 2019 in Frankfurt, Germany. The course will be taught in English and all the participant materials will be in English, as well. The major requirement for attending the TCC day is that you must have attended an official 2-day TBR class BEFORE registering for the TCC. For this reason, Rolf is also offering a complete 3-day “Certification Package for ‘Training from the BACK of the Room.'” With this package you have three options:
1. 3-Day TBR Practitioner and TCC Certification Package: You can attend all 3 days (the 2-day TBR class on September 23rd – 24th 2019, followed by the 1-day TCC on September 25th 2019). Upon completion of the 3-day package, you will be both a TBR Practitioner and a licensed TBR Certified Trainer, and you’ll be able to present the official 2-day TBR class whenever/wherever you wish.
2. 1-day Trainer Certification Course: You can attend just the TCC day on September 25th 2019, provided that you have attended an official 2-day TBR class before registering for the TCC. Upon completion of the TCC (and passing the in-class exam), you will become a licensed TBR Certified Trainer. It doesn’t matter where/when you attended a TBR class; it just matters that you have attended the official 2-day TBR class BEFORE you register to attend the TCC (Rolf will ask for documentation of your TBR class attendance when you register).
3. 2-day TBR Practitioner Class: You can also choose to attend just the 2-day TBR Practitioner Class on September 23rd – 24th 2019 in order to become a TBR Practitioner. As a Practitioner, you can use the TBR concepts and strategies in your own training and instructional programs, but you are NOT certified/licensed to present the official 2-day TBR class to others. You ARE eligible, however, to attend a future TCC day and, meanwhile, you can practice using the TBR concepts/strategies whenever you instruct others.
Click HERE for registration information for the above classes (there are super-early-bird and early-bird discounts available). If you have other questions about the package, or about the TBR/TCC classes in general, please email Rolf at [email protected]
More about TCC Certifier Rolf Katzenberger
His services are based on two decades of hands-on experience with Pragmatic Teams and one decade of experience as a much-sought-after TBR Certified Trainer. His motto? “Stay curious, avoid doctrine, use what works and embrace change!” For more about Rolf, click on the Certified Trainers page and scroll down.
“Rolf knows his stuff. The simplicity he chooses in order to present every angle of the course hides a deep scientific explanation.” Lazaro Wolf, Agile Coach & Organizational Therapist
“Very inspiring, original, easily applicable content. Lots of joy, laughter and fun during this course. A theoretical background transformed into small, appealing bites, in a methodically and didactically sound way. Simply great!” Birgit König, Educational Psychologist and Trainer
“I feel inspired, at ease and liberated because Rolf took me out of my comfort zone and made it feel like an invitation.” Anja Steffen, Project Flourisher