5 Tips for Interactive Webinars (reposted)

In this post, you’ll find the free Micro-Course I created awhile back that is a primer for any kind of virtual training and learning. You’ll also find a free infographic and Pocket Card Set to download and share. Enjoy and stay safe! 🙂

To view the slide presentation below in full-screen mode, click on the small outlined box in the bottom right of the screen.



If you want the above tips in a format that you can download, print, and share with interested colleagues,  click on the infographic link below:

Wake ‘Em Up! 7 Tips for Interactive E-Learning

If you want a Pocket Card Set to give to your training participants – a learning aid that will enhance any learning experience (virtual or face-to-face) – click on the link below:

Pocket Cards Set 2: 10 Easy Ways to Enhance Any Learning Experience




Thank you for reading!