Learning and the Brain: 2 Short Videos about How We Learn (reposted)

I’m always surfing the web for information about the human brain and how it learns. In this blog are two short videos: “The Learning Brain” and “How to Learn Faster.” Both videos are visually-interesting and great refreshers on how we, as humans, learn.

“The Learning Brain” is a creation of The Pod Bean, a website of members’ podcasts about a variety of topics, including how the brain learns. View this short video below for a refresher about your learning brain:


I’ve posted the video below – “How to Learn Faster” – awhile back – it’s one of my favorite refreshers about how we learn. ASAP Science has a whole collection of interesting videos like the one below – all free on YouTube.

Finally, below is a bonus video from ASAP Science: “Brain Tricks – This is How Your Brain Works.” It’s another of my favorites. Enjoy the learning! 🙂


If you’re interested in the brain science behind how humans learn best, consider attending either the 2-day in-person  “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) Practitioner Class or the TBR-VE™ Class (TBR – Virtual Edition). Both classes are informative, interactive, and memorable ways to learn how to create learner-centered, brain-friendly classes and training.

Click on the red button below for the current schedule of classes and be sure to check back as classes are added monthly. When the Covid situation abates, more in-person classes will be added to the current calendar.


Want a description of both the in-person TBR Practitioner Class and the virtual TBR-VE™ Class? Click HERE.

Want a comparison of the virtual and in-person TBR classes? Click HERE. 

Have questions about the TBR-VE™ Class? Click HERE (or email your questions to me at [email protected]).

Thank you for reading!