Certification Courses Added in Orlando and London, Spring 2016
If you would like to become a Certified Trainer and present “Training from the BACK of the Room!” in your own countries and for your own clients and customers, extra Certification Course days have been added to the Orlando FL and London UK classes this spring. Read on for more information about these dynamic, practical, and useful train-the-trainer programs.
“Training from the BACK of the Room” is my popular, global 2-day train-the-trainer class that is based on the best of Accelerated Learning and brain science about effective teaching, training, and learning. This class is a prerequisite for The Certification Course: How to Present “Training from the BACK of the Room!”
If you have never attended a 2-day “Training from the BACK of the Room!” class, you have two great opportunities this spring: Orlando, Florida (April 14th – 15th 2016) and London, England (May 17th – 18th 2016). The TBR class (as I call it) is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before: high-energy, totally engaging, collaborative, well-researched, and extremely practical. If you’re wondering what you’ll get out of the TBR class, here is an informative blog post from one of the past classes:
5 Great Take-Aways from “Training from the BACK of the Room!”
If you have already attended a TBR class over the past 6 years (or you’re planning to attend one in Orlando or London this spring), then you are welcome to register for one of the Certification Course days. The 2-day class is a prerequisite for the 1-day Certification Course. With the certification, you are licensed to deliver all or parts of the 2-day TBR class in your own countries and for your own clients and customers. Yes, you can also offer TBR classes that are open to the public (and I will help you advertise them!). No, you can’t license others to deliver the TBR class (the licensing is issued by my company alone; it is a very generous licensing policy, as any of the TBR Certified Trainers can tell you). Here are the links for more information about the extra Certification Course days that have been added in both Florida and London:
The Trainer Certification Course, Orlando FL, April 17th 2016
The Trainer Certification Course, London, UK, May 20th 2016
Please contact me with any questions you might have ([email protected]). Hope to see you in Orlando or London this spring! 🙂