2 Short Videos about Neuroplasticity and Learning
It used to be thought that, once the human brain reached adulthood, learning slowed down. It was further thought that, as the brain aged, it became almost impervious to growing new neural pathways. Cognitive neuroscientists now know that both assumptions aren’t true. We can thank the brain’s “neuroplasticity” for this.
Below are two short videos about neuroplasticity as it relates to learning, i.e. growing new neural pathways. Whether you instruct others via in-person classes or virtually, this information is a refresher about the human brain. In addition, the information reminds us to build into our classes and programs lots of learner practice time. With each practice activity using the new information/skills, learners create and strengthen their own neural pathways.
Below are two links to more short, interesting videos about the human brain and how it learns:
Learning and the Brain: 2 Short Videos on How We Learn
How the Brain Learns: A Short Video from Forney ISD
If this information interests you, I invite you to consider attending a TBR-VE™ Class (TBR – Virtual Edition). You’ll discover how to apply the current brain science about human learning to your own virtual classes and training. Click on the red button below for the public calendar of both virtual and in-person TBR classes, and be sure to check back as classes are added monthly.