“Socrative: An Interactive Digital Tool” Contributed by Nick Zingo

TBR Certified Trainer Nick Zingo says: “Yup, folks, it’s ‘Socrative’ not ‘Socrates!’” He explains: “If you’re looking for another great instructional tool for your teacher’s/trainer’s toolbox, you may want to consider Socrative – a great digital tool that ensures collaboration and that reinforces learning!”

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7 Tips for Turning Listeners into Learners (free infographic)

Many of you will be familiar with these 7 tips for turning listeners into learners. But sometimes it’s good to get a quick “refresher” of brain-based strategies that make learners more successful. While these strategies help learners stay attentive and engaged throughout a class or training, they will also help you become a more effective trainer or teacher.

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Announcing the “Trainer Certification Course” to be Offered in Europe in 2019

To My Dear Readers: Many of you have sent me emails inquiring about how to become a Certified Trainer for “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) because you want to be able to present the official 2-day TBR class. I’m excited to announce that a 1-day “Trainer Certification Course” (TCC) will take place in Europe in 2019!

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Another Free Webinar: 6 Brain-Science Principles That Trump Traditional Training, Teaching, and Presenting

If you’re one of my regular blog readers, or if you’ve attended a “Training from the BACK of the Room” class, then you’re already familiar with the six brain-science principles that trump traditional training, teaching, and presenting. On March 19th 2019, sponsoring company InSyncTraining invites you to a free webinar where you’ll experience these principles in action.

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Free Infographic: Wake ‘Em Up! 7 Tips for Interactive E-Learning

Before you continue reading this blog post, let’s start off with a simple exercise. Grab a piece of paper and a pen and jot down the names or descriptions of a few interactive e-learning strategies you have used or have seen used in the past. I’ll pause here while you write 😉 When you’ve finished writing, download the 7 free tips

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Updated: What You’ll Learn from Attending a “Training from the BACK of the Room” Practitioner Class

I receive many emails each month inquiring about the globally-acclaimed, 2-day “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) Practitioner Class. If you’re thinking about attending a TBR Practitioner Class, or just want to know more about it, here is a summary of five great “take-aways” from the class.

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5 Easy Group Management Strategies (reposted)

It doesn’t matter if you’re instructing small groups (under a dozen people), medium-size groups (1-3 dozen people), or large groups (three dozen or more). Nor does it matter if you’re presenting in a lecture hall or to an auditorium-size audience. And it really doesn’t matter what your topic is. You still need some quick, easy, and effective group management strategies.

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Free Recording Link for “Brain-Based Presenting” Courtesy of InSync

“InSync Training” is the globally-acclaimed virtual learning organization that sponsored my webinar “Brain-Based Presenting: Getting the Brain to Pay Attention” two days ago. The company offers a complimentary collection of “Virtually There” webinars for the public, including a recording of “Brain-Based Presenting.”

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Tips and Resources for Creating Interactive eLearning (reposted)

I’ve been asked many times about applying the concepts learned from the face-to-face class “Training from the BACK of the Room” to either synchronous (live, virtual learning) or asynchronous (independent, self-study learning) via webinars and any other form of online learning. Here are some resources to help you create more interactive, brain-based  elearning experiences.      

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“Brain-Based Presenting: Getting the Brain to Pay Attention” – Free Interactive Webinar, July 24th 2018

If you haven’t had the chance to participate in my free webinar titled “Brain-Based Presenting: Getting the Brain to Pay Attention,”  please join me on Tuesday, July 24th 2018, for an hour of practical  brain-based learning. The webinar is sponsored by InSync Training, one of the foremost leaders in the virtual training design and delivery world.

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“Anti-Patterns of Training – Part Two” Contributed by Jean-Paul Bayley

(Sharon’s note: My thanks to TBR Certified Trainer Jean-Paul Bayley for contributing this post.) Following my previous “Anti-Patterns of Training” post, here are more mistakes (“anti-patterns”) trainers often make. When viewed through the lens of “Training from the BACK of the Room” we see that these go against how brain science tells us we learn best.

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Introducing 3 TBR Certified Trainers and 5 Benefits from Attending “Training from the BACK of the Room”

If you haven’t yet attended one of the “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) classes being offered globally for 2018, this blog post will list five benefits you’ll receive from doing so. Also, this post will introduce you to three outstanding TBR Certified Trainers who have contributed to my blog and who are offering TBR classes this August/September. 

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“A Different Approach to Teaching” Contributed by Amir Peled

Amir Peled is a Certified Trainer for “Training from the BACK of the Room.” In this post, he relates his discouragement with traditional methods of instruction and his enthusiastic embrace of brain-based, learner-centered teaching. “For years I hated learning. It always reminded me how the education system gladly ejected me from high school at the age of 16, after being

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Warm-Ups (Priming) for All “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) Practitioner Classes

Many blog readers already use “Warm-Ups” as a way of introducing learners to concepts that will be taught in an upcoming class or training. For those of you who plan to attend the official in-person, 2-day “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) Practitioner Class in the near future, here are the class “Warm-Ups.”

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Pop-Quiz Homework for IACET Webinar Participants, Feb. 1st 2018

(NOTE: I posted this the day before the actual webinar on February 1st 2018 so that participants can access it immediately once the webinar ends). You attended my webinar “Brain-Based Presenting: Getting the Brain to Pay Attention” and now you’re ready to do some of the “Follow-Ups” – spaced practice activities that will help move what you learned into your long-term memory.

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