Your Brain and Memory by “Hello Brain” and “Head Squeeze”

Every now and then I go on a YouTube search for new brain science videos. Sometimes I come across ones that I simply must post in this blog because of their usefulness in understanding how the human brain works. The following two short videos on the human brain’s capacity for memory-making are definitely in the “must-post-here-now” category!

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Follow-Ups for the “Training from the BACK of the Room” Classes Held in Nashville, Tennessee

To my blog readers: You already know that “Follow-Ups” are optional activities that help participants revisit what they’ve learned from a class or training. So I always post the Follow-Ups for the “Training from the BACK of the Room!” (TBR) classes I have facilitated, in this case, the Nashville, Tennessee classes that were held this week.

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5 Easy Group Management Strategies

It doesn’t matter if you’re instructing small groups (under a dozen people), medium-size groups (1-3 dozen people), or large groups (three dozen or more). Nor does it matter if you’re presenting in a lecture hall or to an auditorium-size audience. And it really doesn’t matter what your topic is. You still need some quick, easy, and effective group management strategies.

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Terrible Technical Talks (and How to Avoid Giving Them) – Contributed by Ed Buhain

Ed Buhain here (Sharon invited me to author this blog post): Have you ever attended a presentation on the hottest bleeding-edge technology and the presentation turned out to be less exciting than watching the paint grow (or the grass dry)? So why do so many technical talks consist of reading slides or pasting code blocks, and that’s it?

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Warm-Ups for the February 12th – 14th 2016 Certificate Program, Orlando FL

Brain scientists call it “priming” – getting your brain ready to learn. I call them “Warm-Ups” – short, quick, optional activities that will introduce you to some of the concepts covered in the 3-day Pre-Conference P01 Certificate Program at the Training 2016 Conference & Expo being held in Orlando, Florida in February 2016.

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Certification Courses Added in Orlando and London, Spring 2016

If you would like to become a Certified Trainer and present “Training from the BACK of the Room!” in your own countries and for your own clients and customers, extra Certification Course days have been added to the Orlando FL and London UK classes this spring. Read on for more information about these dynamic, practical, and useful train-the-trainer programs.  

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“Teachers Trump! A Six Trumps™ Workshop” – Contributed by Beverly Woolery

In my book, “Using Brain Science to Make Training Stick,” I gave my friend and professional colleague, Beverly Woolery, credit for helping to create “The Six Trumps™ Workshop” that is a value-added part of the book. Beverly took the workshop to a more advanced level and created her own longer variation of it. Then she generously sent it my way – for you!

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“New Year, New You!” 10 Simple Tips from “Walking on Sunshine” by Rachel Kelly

Sharon here, letting you know that, after the New Year holiday, I will begin a 2016 series of posts with lots of practical and useful information about brain-based training, teaching, and learning. Meanwhile, with the New Year just around the corner, I decided to post this article which I paraphrased from “The Guardian“ with 10 tips that are simple and delightfully easy to do.

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Ken Robinson on Flourishing (An RSA Short)

An “RSA Short” (tagline: “Espresso for the Mind”) is a short (obviously) animated video created by RSAnimate that covers one specific concept. In this video, Sir Kenneth Robinson speaks about the importance of flourishing and how both education and organizations impact this essential human need. His unforgettable ending to this RSA Short makes it well worth the two minutes it takes to view it.

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